We Need Your Help!

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Clonakenny GAA want you to help design our new club crest! This will be used on all new club jerseys and gear going forward. Entry forms will be available in Lismackin NS and also available to download and print below.

The Idea

We want you to help design a new club crest which should have a connection to both sides of Bournea parish (Clonakenny/Couraguneen). We also want a new club motto which should be as Gaelige.

The Prizes

There are prizes for the following age categories:

  • 2nd class and younger
  • 3rd and 4th class
  • 5th and 6th class
  • 1st, 2nd & 3rd years
  • Transition, 5th & 6th years

There will be no overall winner as we hope to use a collection of your ideas in the design of any potential new crest and club motto.

Print an entry form, fill out the entrants details and create a design on the area provided on the page.

Submitting an Entry

Entries must be returned to one of the following by Monday 19th April:

Best of luck to everyone who enters and we look forward to seeing your fabulous artwork!

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